Monday, 15 July 2013

BCBC Working together in His name

Ecclesiastes 4:9 Two are better than one,
    because they have a good return for their labour:

Coming together is a beginning.
Keeping together is progress.
Working together is success.
(Henry Ford)

  Jesus and His Motley Crew of Disciples

When Jesus recruited his disciples he drew together what could be referred to as a “motley crew.”  What exactly does the term “motley crew” mean?  Here is a definition according to Wikipedia:

Motley Crew
“Motley crews are, by definition, non-uniform and undisciplined as a group. They are characterized by containing characters of conflicting personality, varying backgrounds, and, usually to the benefit of the group, a wide array of methods for overcoming adversity. Traditionally, a motley crew who in the course of a story comes into conflict with an organized, uniform group of characters, will prevail. This is generally achieved through the narrative utilizing the various specialties, traits and other personal advantages of each member to counterbalance the (often sole) specialty of a formal group of adversaries.”
maybe we at BCBC often we do not pay attention to what Jesus did as much as his teachings.  The actions of Jesus are just as important as his parables and sermons.  This especially applies to how he recruited his disciples.
Jesus’ Motley Crew Recruitment
When Jesus began the process of calling his disciples to follow him he began with men who had something in common.  In the Gospel according to Matthew (chapter 4) the first two men that Jesus called were fishermen who also were brothers.  Their names were Peter and Andrew.  The next two recruits were friends of Peter and Andrew who were also fishermen.  They were brothers whose names were James and John.  Is this process of Jesus’ first recruits insignificant or is there a lesson to be learned for us at BCBC.
The act of Christ in recruiting the first disciples is a lesson in how important it is for any leader to begin with people who share common traits and values.  These four men did not have to explain themselves to one another, neither did they have to learn each other’s backgrounds.  Anytime a leader is attempting to build a team it is essential to have a core group of people who understand each other.  This enables the establishment of stability before diversity and conflict come along.   Be sure of one thing conflict will evolve in any team effort.  Before Jesus recruited the other disciples this stable core was created.  Then it started to get interesting.
The Recruitment of the Tax Man and the Zealot
This is where the motley crew begins to expand.  Can you think of anyone more different from the  first four fishermen, these self employed, self motivated, hard work rewards them with a living, these were the first that Jesus recruited, then comes along someone who collects taxes for the Roman Empire?  Matthew, the next recruit of Jesus is that man.  This is a very interesting step in the recruitment process of Jesus.  Not only did the fishermen probably have a dislike for Rome and the taxes they were required to pay,  as self employed hard workers they most likely did not like the tax collectors.  The fishermen probably had no need for Matthew. (Matthew 9:9)
If you come to realize that fishermen and a tax collector make up an interesting combination all you have to do is go to chapter 10 of Matthews Gospel and see the full list of who Jesus called to follow him.  Another interesting character is called Simon the Zealot. (Matthew 10:4)
A Zealot was basically a member of a fanatical sect in Judea during the first century that militantly opposed the Roman domination of Palestine, in England we might call them Republicans or Anti- Monarchists.  If the fishermen did not like the tax collector Matthew you can be sure that Simon (the Zealot) hated anything attached to Rome.  In fact, if Simon the Zealot would have caught Matthew in a dark alley he would have most likely killed him and thought to himself, “What a great day!”
Three Basic Lessons from Jesus’ Recruitment Tactics
Much can be learned from Christ in the recruitment of a productive team.
First, begin with a core group that has something in common. (Peter, Andrew, James and John—fishermen and taxpayers to Rome)
Second, allow diversity to be introduced to the team.  It will introduce new thoughts, ideas and vision. (Matthew—tax collector for Rome)
Third, do not fear tension and conflict.  These behaviours can produce great results if handled well. (Simon the Zealot—hater of Rome)
These are just a few of the lessons that Jesus taught “by what he did rather than what he said.”  Strong teams are built upon diversity.  Take another look at the definition of a motley crew at the start of this article.  This is not a bad term.  In fact, a group of people like this can do great things together.  It is all about working together even in our diversities.
Here at BCBC, we are rich in diversity. Diversity in culture, age and ethnicity. We have different skill sets, and differing work ethics, different ways of achieving our goals.
This worked for Jesus. It went on working after the ascension. The Motley Crew went on to establish the Christian Church into a world that rejected Him and crucified Him.

We at BCBC have shown great stories of team work. From nothing we have created an income of over £1400 through "Saturday Sales" towards the Building Vision of His house for His work and Witness here on this corner of Charlton. From nothing the men of BCBC who are involved in "Fella'Ship" put together a Fathers day Service which stunned us all. From nothing the women's group have created their title and web site "BCBC, Busy Bees"
Two Charities are now supported by those two groups "Food bank" and "International Justice Mission". From nothing each week our Praise and Worship team put together a worship service.
By teamwork our grounds are looking good and the team of guys are making the Church look good and freshening her up. Our other BCBC team run the cafĂ© plus Elders and Deacons. The financial team work hard to look after our income and expenditure. Our Youth show us every second Sunday a service which comes together through prayer, teamwork and worship. Then there is the childrens work, the classes and the lessons put together by the team who take our children down each week. All of these efforts are for His Holy Name, His witness and His Glory and in the power of the Holy Spirit.  Pray against division at a time like this, because the evil one does not like the excitement which is in BCBC, the vision of BCBC and the love which bursts out at BCBC.

There are three types of team members: those who get things done, those who watch things get done, and those who wonder how so much got done. Jesus mentors us all as we follow not only His words but His ways. We are the 21st century Disciples gathered together here "for such a time as this". We are His "Motley Crew" for today, we can grow His church as others have done before us. But we will do it together, all playing our part, for His glory.
Things where help is needed, get involved in. Praise team, IT team, Anniversary Organising Team, Children's teaching, Fella'ship, Busy Bee's,.



Sunday 21st July .”

Picnic in The Park” Come along with a picnic, a blanket and something to sit on.  We will all meet by the swings in Charlton Park. We will meet in the park straight after the morning Service.
Out of the church turn left up Marlborough Lane.
To the top of Marlborough Lane Turn Right  onto Charlton Rd.
Forward onto Charlton Park Rd
Follow high red brick wall on your right
as soon as you pass Guild Rd on your left.
Look for gap in wall and drive into car park.

Fellaship - Men's Group
Meeting at Church at 7.30 on Thursday 18th July.
This weeks message "Two approaches to God" Luke 18:9-14
Our plans for the 150th anniversary 14th /15th September
Our Plans for messy church
Our plans for Community engagement through single parent families.
Our Plans for our next Youth Leader.