Monday, 26 August 2013

99) "Whats in a name"

I have been know by many names, as a cab driver I was known by some as Terry, by others as Bob and some as John, I never corrected any one and answered to them all, out of mischief really, as when all of my name callers were together they could never decide who they were talking about or to, love it.

At home as a child, I was so skinny I was called "Tin Ribs" as I was also asthmatic I was called "Chesty Bill". At school I was "Smarty" and when I got older and wore a Grey Mohair suit which took on a silver sheen when I stood in the right light, and I made sure I was always stood in that correct light, I was "Silvers" for a time.
I have been "Shabby cabby". When asked for my name I say "Seymour" and they ask me what the "C" stands for. So I have had envelopes addressed to Mr C More, Mr C Moore, Chris More, C.E.More, who are all these people?
At school we had Ian Hitchinson, so he was called Scratch, We had Nigel Griffith so he was ""Gripbum", Robert Best could do a strange thing with his bottom lip so he was "Buppy Lip" and David Whiteway became "Tis", and I have no idea why. My Dad re-christened my best friend Paul Oliver as "Snotty Oliver" and to my Mum as a term of endearment Dad referred to her as "my old gooseberry" ever since I knew them from their early twenties.

The only time I did not respond to being called, was by any teacher, who called at me "SEYMOUR" across a class or open field or playground. I know now it was just youthful rebellion, but once I had ignored them and took a stand, there would never ever be a retreat from that position. My reasoning, if I had to call "Puff" Mr Barnes or "Major" Mr Litchfield, If I had to call "Tate" Mr Lyle and "Tinkerbell" Mrs Waterhouse, then Master Seymour, Martin, or Martin Seymour would be acceptable, juvenile attitude I accept, being a trouble maker, also works for me, however the stance took effect, others started to adopt this "cause celebre" and would not answer until a Christian name was used alongside the surname. Although there were some who did not agree with this revolt. As 11  or 12 year olds we did not identify a girl in our class with a funny name. Even today I wonder at the foresight of Mr and Mrs Royds who named their daughter Emma. Up until 13 dear Emma lived a life of peaceful existence until just one pupil heard the word which tied Emma's full name to a medicinal cream in an area of the body which all school children find hilarious at the very mention. But Emma grew into a beautiful girl and so she had many of us forming her own Bodyguard, when she was as pretty as she was, what's in a name. The problem always came about when you told your mates that you were taking "Emma Royds to the Dance"

Waiting at a hospital for an X-Ray I noticed the Radiologists all had accents, they all had different birth countries which were not in the UK. My guess, Eastern European, Japanese/Korean/Chinese is as close I could guess. So Mr Ross became Mr Woss, Miss Venerbles became "Wenewbles" and Smith became "Smitts" The name which threw us all came from the Eastern European Radiologist who made a very brave attempt at an Asian name. This made it all the funnier because he had no idea what he had said and so he said it again, this time louder, when no-one answered. It definitely was not "SEYMOUR" and no one else answered, so he gave it another try unaware that we were now all looking at each other and giggling, he shouted "POO FOR BRAINS" as clear and as pronounced as that. A dear old asian lady responded, she looked at the sheet he was holding and obviously gave him the correct pronunciation, with no sign of embarrassment or apology he ushered her in for her X-ray and left us all wondering how close he got?

The Significance of
the Names of God in Scripture

In our twentieth century Western culture, personal names are little more than labels to distinguish one person from another. Sometimes nicknames are chosen which tell something about a person, but even this is a poor reflection of the significance of names in the Bible.
Unfortunately, to many the names God or Lord convey little more than designations of a supreme being. It says little to them about God’s character, His ways, and what God means to each of us as human beings. But in Scripture, the names of God are like miniature portraits and promises. In Scripture, a person’s name identified them and stood for something specific. This is especially true of God. "Naming" carried special significance. It was a sign of authority and power. This is evident in the fact that God revealed His names to His people rather than allowing them to choose their names for Him. This is also seen in the fact that God often changed the names of His people: Abram to Abraham, Sarai to Sarah, Jacob to Israel. Note also how this concept of authority and power is seen when Nebuchadnezzar changed the names of Daniel and his three friends.
There are many names for God, the one in which we use usually is "Father" :A distinctive New Testament revelation is that through faith in Christ, God becomes our personal Father. Father is used of God in the Old Testament only 15 times while it is used of God 245 times in the New Testament. As a name of God, it stresses God’s loving care, provision, discipline, and the way we are to address God in prayer (Matt. 7:11; Jam. 1:17; Heb. 12:5-11; John 15:16; 16:23; Eph. 2:18; 3:15; 1 Thess. 3:11).
When we say "what's in a name" lets know that when that name is God there is "All that we need"

Please pray for the un-happy situation in Egypt.
Give thanks for a very good and well attended meeting for the Fella'Ship who have switched meetings to after Sunday services so as to encourage more men to take part,
Give thanks for our plans to deal with Tapsri stepping down and new procedures in place, they have taken on a very positive shape and actions are blessed and moving forward.
 Please continue in pray erfor Gwen More and the family as they come to terms with a court hearing.
Please continue in prayer for Illdephonse, as he works with officials to secure a visit of his Mother and the children's grand mother.
Please give thanks for the plans which are taking on a very good shape for our 150th anniversary celebrations on the 14th and 15th September.
Please pray for our youth, the  our search for a new Youth Leader and the plans in place at the moment.



FELLA'SHIP's plans

  1. I am meeting with Jonathan Lane from Poole in Dorset to discuss the removal of the Organ. Jonathan renovates old Church organs and is 99.9% sure that he wants ours. This instrument with no musical playing function, which served the church for many years can serve this church again, by raising funds for another project. Please pray for these plans.
  2. To organise and hold a "Men's Breakfast" on the 12th October. This will be a relational evangelistic event. Please pray that our men will be graced with good response as they invite family and friends to the breakfast.
  3. To host our Youth by taking them out for a "CURRY EVENING" in November (TBA) Please pray that we can make a good deal at the Well Hall Tandoori for a great price and a great evening.
  4. Fella'Ship have found a new song to learn and sing to the church, the song is top secret!!! sssshhhhh! Please pray for their voices and rehearsals.

I have had an appeal for help from "Minnie Bennet House" Our friends from across the road. They have a planned outing starting October 28th and returning on the 1st of November to Eastbourne. They have a gentleman called Victor who needs some help whilst they are away.

Victor is willing to pay for his companion. Therefore Victor will be paying for a coach there and back plus accommodation. His companion may need some personal spending money. As you will be sharing a room with Victor this request is for a man. Your responsibilities will be to help Victor in the morning to get washed and dressed and to read certain things to him, maybe menu's and the such. Victor is not in a wheel chair but he is a bit slow.

If you feel like a break all paid for and the opportunity to meet the needs of Victor and help him get away, then please let me know in the first instance.


GUN CONTROL, from the West Wing