Monday, 18 June 2012


I think I have met some very wise people, who have some wise sayings “Before you criticize people, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize are a mile away from them...and you have their shoes.” I have met some people who are great observationists and can sum up with wisdom “Anybody going slower than you are a fool and anyone going faster than you is an idiot.”

Watching a documentary called “The Drunken States of America” on the drinking problems in Phoenix, Arizona, over the “Labour Day Weekend”.The police and emergency services have to deal with so many incidents which are all alcohol related. Stabbings, shootings, domestic violence. This program concentrated on “DUI”(Driving Under the Influence). An ordinary policeman summed up like this “11,000 people die in Arizona due to DUI, that is equivalent to 30 jumbo jet crashes here in Arizona each and every year. No- one would fly if that stat existed, and yet people still get behind
the wheel drunk”. No answers offered, just a wise way to sum up. I’ve often found myself labelling other people as being ‘wise’ or ‘having wisdom beyond their years’. This label is usually awarded because they’d either made a decision that I thought was tactical, or said something that I thought was profound. Hence, I’d reach into my bag of adjectives and pull out the age old descriptive: ‘he/she is wise’. But have you ever wondered if you’d be considered by those around you to be a wise person? Let’s take a look at what the Bible has to say about this godly attribute. In the Book of Exodus, Moses is given the task of leading the Israelites out of Egypt and being a prophet to them, reacquainting them with the principles of their God.
 Embedded within his mandate was the construction of the tabernacle where the people would meet with God in worship. The building of the tabernacle was not a light task. It had certain divine specifications that had to be met in order to fulfil God’s vision for His designated place of meeting. As a result, God handpicked the workmen. Yes, that’s right, He picked each man Himself and placed within them the wisdom they needed to accomplish their specific tasks (Exodus 31:1-6).

Watching Dave and Illdephonse work and take on tasks it is clear to me, they know what they are
doing. In today’s world, an architect or handyman is usually selected on the virtue of his license, his experience, his skill, and his training. But having the wisdom of God is not usually a requirement. In fact, godly wisdom is not typically a prerequisite on most of our job descriptions. Yet, being endowed with wisdom from God is paramount in the accomplishment of so many of our daily
tasks and decision making. So what did God mean when He said, “I have filled [the workman] with the Spirit of God, in wisdom”? (Exodus 31:3). According to the following verses, wisdom from the Spirit of God was a necessary ingredient in order for the men to “make all that [God had
commanded Moses].” Does that mean they were not skilled, talented, or well trained? No, it means that despite their highly esteemed qualifications, without godly wisdom they would not have the ability to understand and fulfill God’s will. Today I encourage you to tap into the wisdom that God has downloaded in your heart, so that you will effectively accomplish that which He has set before you to do. Nothing you do for God is exempt from the application of His wisdom. Therefore, it is only when we speak, act, and make decisions through His spirit of wisdom that we will succeed in pleasing Him. We have developed some ministry teams, and now we need to develop a "Communications Ministry Team”, we have the start with Juliet and Jay. Please pray for our Building, Outreach, Funding and now Communication teams, who have specialist tasks within BCBC and will need Gods Wisdom to carry them out.

Scripture To walk with this week:
“If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach,
and it will be given to him.” - James 1:5
Below is a list ofwhat is happening for "Start Your Olympics Here" and what is needed.

Canvassers The flyer's are being prepared and willneed to be distributed to local homes soon

Ideas for thisquestion: How can we encouragevisitors in - ? board / balloons outside

Appeal for help: Whattime are you able to give on the day?

Request For Alex is looking for paper puzzles on website/ Marcelline has puzzle to bring

Can you helpMary C has prepared olive leaf headbands and gold medals

Could you helpFood from around the world / hot dogs to be provided for our visitors ( andus!) - Salome, Nneka, Baljit and others

Could you helpBouncy Castle - will need constant supervision

Do you know how todo this Face painting need to get equipment for this

LOOK AT ALL THIS::WE NEED YOU Mini-games - javelin, throwing the hammer, shot put, penalty shoot-out, relay races ( running,hopping skipping etc) hoops and bean bags - will need masking tape, chalk, notebook, baton, straws, foilballs etc ( Can you think of any othergames?Adults races e.g. egg and spoon with small spoon and large potato - Martin's idea!Children(cooking) icing biscuits, ? other

WE NEED:: DVDfor quiet times every so often ? use Veggie Tales ( Bible spot )
WE NEED Craftactivities - I will bring some examplesto church - to include:
To make a torch weneed::Torch foil, small drinkbottles, red/orange paper, glue (need more bottles)
TO do this we needPainting flags paint, brushes/sponges, garden sticks, Olympic flag, strong glue. (I have all this equipment) Envelopebag Scissors, play shapes / colouredcircles to decorate ( I have all that is needed)
WE WILL DO THESEBig feet balloons Cardboard,balloons (need cardboard feet cut out) -this is fun for small children
Basket circles activity paper, glue stick, scissors, shapes ( I have all this)
Pencil tops pencils, chenille sticks, eyes, glue
Picture frames Activity paper, cardboard, shapes to decorate, glue sticks, scissors
Door hangers Foam,foam shapes, glitter glue
Bookmark Paint /finger painting, paper, clear "contact"
Making gold medals
Colouring sheets download from website ( with permission )
YOUR CHURCH NEEDS YOU (how corny, but it seems to work): However you want to get involvedplease contact Belinda Dey on

We as a church have decided to meet our local community;this is our first attempt at “THE BIG MEET” initiative. Shall we take this responsibilityseriously, will we move forward and upward. Shall we give this community a realfun day, and start to build that relationship which will build bridges that Jesuswill stroll across.

Please Note that all entries for Sundays Newsheet must be recieved by either me of Nneka no later than Wednesday evening prior to the Sunday. Please always put into the subject box of your e mail "News Sheet"

TO Re-read the RAC@BCBC please take a look at archived material over on the right of this page.

TEAMS: WE HAVE AN URGENT REQUEST: As we all know Jan and Doug Hodges will be leaving us soon. Jan organises and deals with the rota for the creche. Not only do we need more volunteers for the creche but we will shortly need someone to oversee this work and put a Rota together. Jan informs me, there are still some dates to fill in July, but August should be OK. Please think how you can get involved and speak to Jan or contact her on
Once there were three, Then there were two Now there are none!
  1. Buildings Ministry team
  • Dave Broughton, Ildephonse Bakundukize, Eddie Nkuliza and Donald Chambers are the new BCBC Buildings Ministry team, they will advise me and the leadership how to go forward with the work needed at our Church
2. Funding Ministry Team.
  • Alex Bondzier, Marcelline Nkuliza

  • Belinda Dey and the Olympics team


All of us should pray for those who put in a phone number and those who took one out this week. May you all be blessed as you call one another and pray for one another. e spiritual buddies to one another, meet up somehow and just bless one another.
Please pray for Jay as he takes on the challenge of design and a design theme for a BCBC face lift. Bless him in his giftings and the time he will commit to this venture.
Please pray for Melanie and baby Melanie is our Daughter-in-law. Melanie will visit the doctor on Wednesday. Melanie would so love to deliver Miss Seymour naturally. Please pray for Melanie and her Doctors who will decide on what is best for Mother and baby.
Please Pray for my Son, Lee: As all expectant fathers, Lee will have the standing around, waiting, trying to be a comfort to Melanie, and their son Elliott. Bless him in your prayers as he moves into a fresh way of father hood to a little girl.
Please Pray for Jose As she cares for all of them. As she will try to meet the needs of Lee, Melanie, Elliott and Miss Seymour when she arrives. Give her the energy to be what they all need her to be.
Please pray for Alex and Marcelline as they explore and think about being the start of our Funding Ministry Team.
Please Pray for our Building Ministry Team
Please Pray for our "Start your Olympics here"
Please Pray for two of my meetings this week, SETH Baptist meetings meet for a days retreat, and my meeting with the chaplains at Bluecoat school, as I take on the role as Chaplain to Bonhoeffer House.
Keep Praying For our church building, and our Building Ministry Team, also our new Funding Ministry team,our dear old church is in need of attention, some TLC will need to be undertaken over our next year.
Keep Prayingfor plans to be put in place.
Keep Praying: For the £40,000 needed for immediate works on the building.
Keep Praying for Belinda as she organises the team to put together " The Big Meet" our Olympic Project
Please Pray and give thanks for Chris Rose and the youth as they journey and grow together in their knowledge and love of Jesus Christ.
Please Pray for Jose as she is with our Son's family in Australia
Please Pray for the safe delivery of "Miss Seymour"
Please pray : For our new deacons as they attend their first leadership meeting on the 19th.
TO CONTACT MARTIN:e mail: Tel: H:01322 430313 M:07941

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