On the other-hand, the strollers were the opposite of that. Time was what they had plenty of. A measured slow pace, looking into shop windows, checking the clouds to see if they were tidy or all messed up. They were out and enjoying just being out. They would step aside like experienced matadors for people, because they could: joggers, skateboarders, push chairs and annoying cyclists who mount pavements to avoid traffic lights, none of these are a problem for the stroller.
I wondered how you became a stroller rather than a quick purposeful walker. Not the mechanics but the state of mind. Even on holiday, Jose would say "Slow down" as her arm was being pulled from its socket from holding my hand as we had a leisurely route march around a Mediterranean village, sightseeing at the speed of a Tornado jet, "slow down!!" I would consciously slow down, and enjoy a stroll, and ten minutes later, Jose, who was now flapping in the "slip stream" of my stroll, would remind me again "SLOW DOWN".
I admired those who could stroll, I admired their time management which gave them the peace of mind which allowed them to stroll, they are unnerved by the passing of time, filled with nothing but strolling. They are looking and enjoying just going for a stroll. Who are these people, what do they do for a living, haven't they got clients to see, places to go, things to do? Yes of course they do, of course they have and of course they will, but for now, they are strolling.
I very consciously now, stroll, I practise strolling, I find myself using other pedestrians as my pacers, if I gain on them I slow down, until I gain on them again and I slow down again, its hard but with practise I have got better.
I am now a good stroller, it is now surprising to myself that I can do a whole trip and find that I have strolled the whole way, Wow!
I take my Mum, who is 83 years young, shopping once a month, my two sisters take her all the other times, which I am grateful to them for, filling the gap of the 4th or sometimes 5th week. I have now discovered where I get my power walking habit from. As I am now a member of the strollers, I notice that at 83, she is whizzing around the Sainsbury aisles like a pensioner on speed. I kept up with her before and did not notice, but she walks around Sainsbury's and Marks and Spencer as if all goods are on top of their sell by dates and must get them all before midnight.
I push the shopping trolley, keeping up with Mum and negotiating the curve from Cakes and Confectionery to frozen goods, at speed, with a wonky wheel can cause the PA system to be used "Shopper and Trolley Jack-Knifed on Aisle 7, fatalities amongst the birthday cakes"
However, I have noticed over the past year, she has slowed down, understandably, she is 83, it had to happen Then I observed she was favouring one foot rather than the other. My Mum is a class act. The hair the shopping uniform of smart casual jacket, slacks and crisp blouse is all part of the shopping experience. When we are shopping I have to say "MUM" out loud, as many times as I can, whenever any one is near and in earshot, because she does not look 83, and I have a wife who denies her years, but people thinking my wife is my wife is OK, but not my Mum.
The way she whizzed around, walking quickly and shopping against the clock also denies her years, but now, walking slowly and limping was sad but a bit easier to be around. But it all came to a sad end, for me.
Mum told me this.
" I bought these shoes a year ago, and I love them, they are smart and go with any of my slacks and skirts, but ooh, the left shoe really pinches my toes. But you know me, if they look good, I will endure, and they do look smart, I know they do, so I wear them. I have been putting plasters on my toes so as to be able to wear them, I found that walking slower helped protect my toes and not putting so much weight on the left foot could get me around but it is always nice to get home and take them off, replace the plasters, massage my poor shredded toes, but they look to good to throw away.
When I got back from my last shopping trip, I eased them off and found one of my plasters had come off, causing a really bad rub and blister on the now bare toe. I reached into the toe of the shoe to retrieve the plaster and found a cardboard arch, still inside the shoe from when I purchased them??
My Mum had been walking in pain and agony for a year because of a piece of cardboard in the shoe, placed in the shoe to keep its shape whilst on a shelf waiting to be purchased. She is now back to power walking around the stores. So we are now back to me knocking down innocent children, cutting up pensioners who pause to choose tomatoes, and side swiping store staff re-filling shelves, leaving them hanging from the processed peas shelf, as I am just trying to keep up with Mum.
Matthew 7:13-14
New International Version (NIV)
113 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
Jesus concludes the Sermon on the Mount with graphic warnings to his hearers. Failure to take seriously what he has said in the sermon will result in disastrous consequences. Jesus warns of specific dangers: this one matches today's story of Mum and her shoe, and the tendency not to take the rigorous demands of discipleship seriously. We can walk with Jesus impeded, we can put up with it and stumble, but ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find. Knock and the door will be opened to you. those are the previous verses, but then there is the wide gate that is easy to find and most people go through it, but those who find the small gate and beyond, that narrow path, need steady feet and need to do away with anything that impedes. Mum put up with the discomfort but the
when she found what was causing her stress, she moved it out the way and can now walk with purpose and without concern.
Jesus says I am the way the truth and the life. So we give ourselves to him, we move sin out of the way by His grace and forgiveness and walk through the small gate with purpose and without concern, we then try to live this life as best we can, turning away from what we know is wrong so as to stay on the narrow path. The path of Jesus Christ which leads us to life everlasting.
Please pray for the un-happy situation in Egypt.
Please pray for the Fella'Ship who switch meetings to after Sunday services so as to encourage more men to take part,
Please pray for our plans to deal with Tapsri stepping down and new procedures in place
Please pray for Gwen More and the family as they come to terms with a court hearing.
Please pray for Illdephonse, as he works with officials to secure a visit of his Mother and the children's grand mother.
Please pray for those organising our 150th anniversary celebrations on the 14th and 15th September.
Please pray for our youth, the new Youth Leader and the plans in place at the moment.

Our women's group. http://bcbcbusybees.com/
Jesus concludes the Sermon on the Mount with graphic warnings to his hearers. Failure to take seriously what he has said in the sermon will result in disastrous consequences. Jesus warns of specific dangers: this one matches today's story of Mum and her shoe, and the tendency not to take the rigorous demands of discipleship seriously. We can walk with Jesus impeded, we can put up with it and stumble, but ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find. Knock and the door will be opened to you. those are the previous verses, but then there is the wide gate that is easy to find and most people go through it, but those who find the small gate and beyond, that narrow path, need steady feet and need to do away with anything that impedes. Mum put up with the discomfort but the
when she found what was causing her stress, she moved it out the way and can now walk with purpose and without concern.
Jesus says I am the way the truth and the life. So we give ourselves to him, we move sin out of the way by His grace and forgiveness and walk through the small gate with purpose and without concern, we then try to live this life as best we can, turning away from what we know is wrong so as to stay on the narrow path. The path of Jesus Christ which leads us to life everlasting.
Please pray for the un-happy situation in Egypt.
Please pray for the Fella'Ship who switch meetings to after Sunday services so as to encourage more men to take part,
Please pray for Gwen More and the family as they come to terms with a court hearing.
Please pray for Illdephonse, as he works with officials to secure a visit of his Mother and the children's grand mother.
Please pray for those organising our 150th anniversary celebrations on the 14th and 15th September.
Please pray for our youth, the new Youth Leader and the plans in place at the moment.
FELLA'SHIP's plans
- To research and plan for the removal of the organ. This instrument with no musical playing function, which served the church for many years can serve this church again, by raising funds for another project. Please pray for these plans.
- To organise and hold a "Men's Breakfast" on the 12th October. This will be a relational evangelistic event. Please pray that our men will be graced with good response as they invite family and friends to the breakfast.
- To host our Youth by taking them out for a "CURRY EVENING" in November (TBA) Please pray that we can make a good deal at the Well Hall Tandoori for a great price and a great evening.
- Fella'Ship have found a new song to learn and sing to the church, the song is top secret!!! sssshhhhh! Please pray for their voices and rehearsals.
Our women's group. http://bcbcbusybees.com/
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