Monday, 2 September 2013


We all have our different ways of eating our meals. My sister Jacqueline had a very precise and forensic way of eating her fried egg. Wednesday night at home, when we were children, was “Egg and Chip” night with extra chips when you wanted them. I was onto my seconds of chips whilst Jacqueline was still dissecting her egg. Every piece of white had to be cut away from the runny yoke, The yoke had to be kept in its untouched runny identity. Once and only once the white had been separated and eaten could the yoke in its replica sunshine state could be lifted and popped into her mouth, and then popped by the pressure of her tongue against the roof of her mouth, the sheer joy and taste bud explosion could be seen by all around the table who had observed this Wednesday ritual, it was only me who would try to pull a funny face just as she had a mouth full of runny egg, thus looking for the audience to get sprayed with gooey egg, however the egg was such a prisoner to her gastronomic delight that everyone was safe.
Jacqueline had her weird way with an egg as I had a weird way with a Pork Pie. Saturday night, for me was Pork Pie night. It had to be prepared and ready to sit down in front of “ Juke Box Jury” the TV Top Ten Hit show of the late fifties and early sixties. Mum would buy a decent sized Pork Pie and I would slice off the top crust, lift out the meat and then shovel in lots of “Pan Yan” pickle, the Branston Pickle of its day. Once the Pan Yan was in then back in would go the meat, firmly pushing it in so as it squished the pickle up the sides. A layer of Pan Yan across the top and then the pastry top pushed back into place, cut into quarters and we are ready to go. I lick my lips as I write, not allowed Pork Pies or pickle any more, but I knew nothing of cholesterol or blood pressure then.
At school Kevin Edwards would push food into his mouth until he resembled a Hamster with mumps, Doug would spend most of School Dinner time separating what looked good to eat and what did not. Semolina was Frog Spawn, peas were bullets and the custard was, ..........actually these pages are not equipped to carry what we called school custard.
A chum of mine travelled on a sleeper train to a business meeting "up north". He rose and went to the Buffet Car and looked at the breakfast menu. “Scottish Wood Cock” caught his eye, Emm yum yum!!
He envisaged a small version of a chicken delicately basted with spices and served in its own juices. What an exciting adventure, a new dish to excite the pallet, and so imagine his surprise when scrambled egg on toast was served! Here was his dilemma, should he call the waiter back and say “Excuse me, But I ordered Scottish Wood Cock” and be made to look silly if the waiter said “Yes sire, You have It” Or are the waiters, peaking at him from behind the curtain saying “See, he has no idea, he has asked for Scottish Wood Cock, just to be flash, and we have given him egg on toast, he has no idea”
My Uncle Bob came up to London for an interview. He met his future boss at a restaurant and ordered melon for his starters. He was served melon and proceeded to shovel spoon-loads of Demerara Sugar onto his melon and the first mouthful caught fire to his mouth as he took his first bite of “Melon and Pure Ginger”, not Demerara Sugar as he thought. What to do, remember he is on an interview for an important job, so he felt he had handled the first mouthful very well and with a Poker face, nodding intelligently to questions and knowing his ears had started to melt, what to do? But now what about the next eight mouth fulls. He got the job and later on when he was buddy- buddy with his boss, he revealed the Melon story. “Well” said his boss “I saw all the ginger you shovelled on and said to my wife we must try that, and we did, she thought I was trying to kill her”
Do we study our bible like Butterflies, fluttering around and not really landing on any portion of scripture for very long and not being nourished by God's word or are we like Bee's, landing on a scripture and absorbing all that we can. We may use eating food as an illustration. Although we may be physically healthy, we still need to eat nourishing meals every day. Although we have physical life, we still need daily nourishment. If I did not eat breakfast in the morning, I would not have the strength to work. The principle is the same with the divine life. Through regeneration God has imparted His life into us. But this life still requires nourishment, and the nourishment we need is the implanted word. Every day we need to come to the Bible to receive God's word. In our spiritual life we need a good "breakfast" every day. When we eat our spiritual breakfast, we receive the implanted word. As God plants His word into us every morning, this word becomes nourishment to our inward man or woman, and it strengthens our spirit. Once our spirit has been strengthened, it will sustain our soul. As a result, our soul will have the strength to withstand suffering and to resist temptation. This means that through the nourishment of the implanted word we can bravely say each day "Whatever comes my way today, its me and you Lord"
Please pray for the un-happy situation in Egypt.
PRAY for the plans to remove the church organ.
Please pray and give thanks for Sam, our new Youth Leader.
Give thanks for our plans to deal with Tapsri stepping down and new procedures in place, they have taken on a very positive shape and actions are blessed and moving forward.
 Please continue in prayer for Gwen More and the family as they come to terms with a court hearing.
Please continue in prayer for Illdephonse, as he works with officials to secure a visit of his Mother and the children's grand mother.
Please give thanks for the plans which are taking on a very good shape for our 150th anniversary celebrations on the 14th and 15th September.
Please pray for our youth, the  our search for a new Youth Leader and the plans in place at the moment.

FELLA'SHIP's plans

  1. I have now met with Jonathan and things look good for the removal and a financial plan is in place to receive payment for the organ Please pray for these plans.
  2. To organise and hold a "Men's Breakfast" on the 12th October. This will be a relational evangelistic event. Please pray that our men will be graced with good response as they invite family and friends to the breakfast.
  3. To host our Youth by taking them out for a "CURRY EVENING" in November (TBA) Please pray that we can make a good deal at the Well Hall Tandoori for a great price and a great evening.
  4. Fella'Ship have found a new song to learn and sing to the church, the song is top secret!!! sssshhhhh! Please pray for their voices and rehearsals.



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